Saturday, January 15, 2011

20/20 you need to check your vision..

As most of you may already be aware, 20/20 had shown a special last night regarding violence in the Peace Corps. I was deeply disturbed by this special but not in the way you might believe. As a current Peace Corps applicant, I have already thought of the dangers as well as the rewards this position could bring. I have prepared myself by speaking to previously volunteers and doing much research. I have heard that at times you may feel isolated and a sense of loss of connection to the agency. I also understand many individuals may apply believing that going to a third world country, through such a large organization, you won't be alone and that the guidance and assistance will help you along the way. If you really want to make a difference, it will only be greater with your vision alone. We are the ones placed in that village, we see what is needed, it is our vision, our work that changes those around us. I am prepared to accept the assistance given to me by the PC but at the same time ready to independently assist my new community with its most vital needs.  In the end, this is our decision to leave, our decision to stay and our decision to take it will all the risks involved. PC does not force us to reside in a community with dangers. If I feel at danger at all during my service, I will leave, with or without the assistance of the PC.  No matter where I decide to go on my journey in life, there will always be risks involved and I need to take that into account.  In the 20/20 special they focused on the violence women have encountered during their time serving in the Peace Corps. They spoke about how the Peace Corps did not take further action in assisting with these women's needs and tried to cover up the assaults which took place. The major problem I had with 20/20 was that they just attacked the Peace Corps and did not discuss the main issue at hand, being the violence and oppression that women encounter in this world. I understand that it may be wrong for the PC to cover up these incidents but it is the federal government we are talking about here, of course they need to contain the image they hold. 20/20 should of spoke about the epidemic of women not only in our country but around the world who are subjected to rape or assault with no where to go after for help. They should of discussed how this happens on every college campus and how most women have nowhere to turn then. They should of discussed all of the jocks who have assaulted women and it being covered up to protect their image. They stated the statistic that 1000 women in the past 50 years have encountered some type of assault while in service. I am sure you can take that number and say it multiplied is how many women are assaulted on a college campus a year. 20/20 should of focused on the issue at hand and discussed ways that organizations such as the PC can take further action to not prevent this, because well unfortunately it can't be prevented, but ways to help cope with what has happened and the actions that can be taken against the perpetrators.  PC just needs to develop a plan for counseling these women and lending support after their tragedies. The whole world does not need to know what happened but these women do need support from those they depended on. I applaud the courage of the women who spoke out about what had happened and understand their anger. However, they should of not only attacked the PC but spoke about the wonderful things that it has done for the majority of its volunteers. Also, what a coincidence that this needs to be spoken of on the anniversary of its 50th. I am not saying PC is perfect but they need to take in account that this is a worldwide issue. As far as we have come as women, there is so much more for us to do to stop the oppression worldwide. 20/20 next time why don't you help make a difference rather than just attacking a national organization. All this special did was give ignorant people a chance to complain further about our government rather than actually make an effort for change. But as Ghandi said, you must be the change you wish to see in this world and that's exactly what Iam going to do. This special did not change my view or decision to further pursue the PC but only made me want to take further steps in attempting to end the oppression of women worldwide.

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