Friday, January 7, 2011

While I wait..

I have been counting down the days until the end of this month, just to possibly hear from the PO. I go onto PC journals daily and read all the blog updates, which just make me more anxious. Everyone's story is so different, that it is hard to tell how yours will go. It is hard to describe the feeling I have but it's like hearing about a book you are dying to read but it hasn't come out yet so you are unable to start the story. I can't wait for my story to begin but until then I have to continue to occupy my time and reduce the obsession over my possible future. I decided to slowly begin buying things that I would pack but also could use no matter what, in case by some crazy chance this falls through (I desperately hope not!). I finally bought the DSLR camera I was dying for, my first one, Nikon D3100. Due to my busy schedule I was unable to even check it out until last night. I am having a lot of fun learning about my new camera and can't wait to start taking a bunch of cool pictures. I have been hearing about the 365Project and am very interested in doing it, even though I already missed a week. It might be hard for me to continuously upload my pics but I may just give it a try. The 365Project is just taking a picture a day. It is something that would be easy for me while in the PC and a pretty amazing way to show others my life overseas. However, when I think of doing it now, my life might just not be that interesting for it, but who knows! I also went to the bookstore the other day to pick out a decently priced book/cd combo to help freshen up my Spanish as much as possible until June. I wound up buying the Spanish book for Dummies. I know it sounds silly but it seemed like the most entertaining and informative book at such a decent price. I bought the one with all four books in one, plus a CD. It caught my eye mainly due to the health worker section, since I would need to know those terms if placed in CSA. I also told all my fellow spanish speaking collegues to only speak to me in spanish, but this seems like a hard task because none of them have nor want the ability to teach me Spanish. I hope to at least be more than confident in my basics by June, no matter what happens. Other things to occupy my time; obsessing over paying off my bills, volunteering, working two jobs, and obsessing over PC..oh wait I was suppose to occupy my time with other things wasn't I. I went on PCVJ today and discovered many people who are leaving in June, that recieved their PO interview. This made me slightly nervous but at the same time I have to keep in mind that it is different for everyone, for many reasons. I also started researching which bags I would want to take with me. I went on PCwiki and started by searching all the volunteer discount websites. I checked out all of them and I found this backpack by mountain hardwear koa 55, which I liked because it has the sleeping bag zipper on the bottom but I am thrown off by the color because it seems too military. This is only my first online search, I would also want to look at Dick's and other such stores. Here is a list of other things that interested me after searching all the available discounts: mountain hardwear -sleeping bag,timbuk2 messenger bag  , and some shoes that seemed appropriate : flip flopsanother pair of my favorite flats , then I haven't choosen which yet but also a moccasin, boot and sneaker. RAS-Please go away, soon =) Until then, more searching, researching and waiting.


  1. mountain hardwear was one of the only companies I applied to who got back to me :) I loved them before and now I'm even more impressed.

  2. Yay for your DSLR :D Have you checked out any of the Flickr groups for your camera? When I got my new camera that was an amazing resource for how things worked and ideas to try. As for backpacks, make sure you try them on in a store if you can. They all fit very differently and you want to make sure you get one that works with your body. Ones I picked out online fit horribly and would have been a waste of money had I bought them without trying them. Also if you want till you get your invitation, a lot of places will do a nice discount :) (although I'm sure you've seen that on PC wiki!) Best of luck to you and don't stress too much about your timeline :D


  3. I looked at that same backpack! I'd second what Liz said though because I tried a few on at REI that fit really horribly! Its so hard to have to wait who knows how long for an invitation and then have to possibly rush to get everything you need. I have been doing the same thing and buying a few things that I will need if I go and can still use if something happens and I don't! Hope you hear from the PO soon!

  4. christina,thanks for the info on mountain hardwear. I agree with you Liz that I should try it out in the store. Then again, I have always had a hard time buying things online. I just know that if I go to the store now, I might have the impulse to buy it right away and know I should wait until I get my invitation! Also thanks for the Flicker idea, I will check that out now.
