Friday, January 14, 2011

Reduction of RAS..

I can finally say that my RAS has subsided because I now have something amazing to look forward to, other than leaving for PC. I just booked a flight to Wisconsin. I will be leaving February 24 and spending five full days with the best roommate I ever had/best friend Crystal. I hope while with her I can see some other Madison faves as well. I will then be meeting up with my other best friend Daniele on Tuesday March 1 and the next day we will be heading out on a road trip, our adventure from the Midwest to Southwest. We will be going through Wisconsin-Iowa-Nebraska, possibly stopping at her old co workers place for some rest and then heading out the next day to Colorado. We will be stopping in Crested Brutte to see one of my favorites Jeselle and hopefully spend a full day with her. Then we will be heading to our top destination Gilbert, AZ to see Nicole! We will spend three days there and then go on our way through New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois and back to Wisconsin. We will be stopping, destination unknown, somewhere for a day or so. Our goal is to stop in some way in every state we pass through. I have a goal that I want to have visited 25 states before the age of 25 and it will be accomplished due to this trip! After the trip we will head back to her place where I will spend the remaining weekend in Milwaukee and then head back home to continue suffering from RAS (or hopefully not?). I haven't been back to Wisconsin in over a year and I truly miss the state and most of all my best friends who I am going to cry my eyes out to be leaving again! However, no matter where I am in this world I know these girls will be there for me if I need them and come see me, as long as they have the funds to do so. What is even better, is how I have already started using my PC mentality. I received a cheap flight and won't be spending much due to spending all of the time at others homes. What is better than spending close quality time with my best anyway. I am so happy that things have worked out financially and seem to being going very well. I plan to pay off all my credit card debt by February and then focus on paying off one loan, while buying things I need along the way. Until next time..

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